Newsletter Terms and Conditions

By selecting “get updates” you are subscribing to the Applied Carbon newsletter and you agree to receive marketing emails from Applied Carbon (hereinafter also referred to as “we” or, “our”) about our news and products. The newsletter content may include, but is not limited to, insights into durable carbon removal (CDR) market insights, agricultural and CDR technology development, deployment of new products and services, user testimonials, partnership collaborations, and any necessary company or updates.


The frequency of the newsletter will be not more than once monthly, but this can increase or decrease at any time without notice. 


The information provided in this newsletter is intended for general information purposes only. No rights can be derived from said information.

We try our best to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information, but unfortunately, due to the nature of rapidly developing CDR technology and market development, this information is subject to change. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information offered. We shall not be held accountable for any lack of accuracy, completeness, or actuality of the information provided in the newsletter.

We reserve the right to either modify or discontinue the newsletter at any time without notice. We also reserve the right to unsubscribe users/visitors from our newsletter service without notice, amongst other reasons, we will do so for any subscriber we deem registered with false data. 

Links to third-party websites

If the newsletter provides links to third-party websites, it does not imply that we endorse these websites or their products or services. We will not be held liable or accept any responsibility for the content, use, or availability of third-party websites that we share in the newsletter. The use of said links is at the user’s own risk. We cannot be held accountable or responsible for any information provided on third-party websites.


After signing up for the newsletter, subscribers will receive a welcome email and begin receiving our newsletters going forward. Subscription to our newsletter service is not mandatory, and subscribers can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of the newsletter emails. If a subscriber is having issues with this, they can get in contact with our customer service for further assistance via our online form.

Please note you can also receive service and product-specific emails, which are not included in the newsletter subscription but rather are an integral part of our service offering to enable you to make use of the products or services you might have purchased. These emails cannot be unsubscribed from; for more information on service communication and your rights as data subject, see our Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

Your information is used by our education, outreach, and marketing team to send you emails as stated in this document.

We will only send you relevant information and will never share your details with third parties. You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time, as mentioned above. Your personal data will be processed and kept secure in accordance with Applied Carbon’s Privacy Policy.

We collect your name, email address, state, country, and other demographic details as part of your registration. This information is retained for the purposes of the newsletter for the duration of your subscription. In addition, for emails and links included in the emails, we can collect open and clicked data statistics for tracking purposes, which we also use for Google Analytics analysis; however, this does not contain any personal information.

Effective as of June 13, 2024 

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